27 August 2016

Random (miscounted) Post (again).

1. I'm finally graduated from IIUM (yay me!) but I've started to miss my campus life.

2. Final result will be coming out on next Monday.

3. Had sent out a number of resume merata pelusuk alam.

4. From customer service to sales executive, you name it, I'm willing to gain as much experience as I can. It's not all about money (yeke?) hehe

5. Luckily, one of the psychology centre called me and I'll be having my first interview next week, on Monday.

6. Tak suka interview!  Tapi apa boleh buat.

7. In need of your magical prayers.

8. Tuhan Maha mendengar, Tuhan lebih tahu.

9. Letakkan segala pinjaman Tuhan pada tempat selayaknya. Tuhan di tingkat paling utama.

10. You are alright.

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