30 July 2018

Of loss, grief and a hint of happiness.

1. I've lost my job. Due to mulut jahat orang. But no worries, I'm good.

2. I've lost Maklong on the second day of Syawal. This was unexpected. She called me that day. I missed her call. I didn't get to talk to her forever now. I miss her.

3. Been jobless for nearly a month. Ibu wants me to stay at home longer so that I can be with her. I have no problem with that. It's just that, ada masa I don't feel good lah. I'm the one who should hulur duit to her but she still have to take care of me now?

4. S and his family came to pay a visit yesterday. A visit just to kenal-kenal. After nearly 5 yo 6 years of knowing each other. This is the first time I met his family. I was nervous at first but felt better right after.

5. It's funny that we started to talk about future now. I've been wanting and waiting for this to happen long ago. And finally, it's going to happen, soon.

6. I was still in denial when S started to talk about our short-term planning. I was a bit blur. I even asked him few times just to make sure I was not dreaming. I fell asleep the same day, when  I woke up I quickly checked my phone and read the conversation repeatedly.  No. This is not a dream.

7. I've lost one thing but He gave me another.

8. Semoga Tuhan pijamkan saya rasa bahagia ni sedikit lama lagi.

9. Saya takut nak berlebih-lebihan berbahagia dengan hal yang belum tentu jadi. Belum ada pemula tapi mungkin jumpa penamat dulu. Who knows? But lets just hope for the best.

10. Ibu ayah will be going for Hajj soon. Tolong doakan semoga segala urusan mereka dipermudahkan dan pergi-balik mereka dilindungi selalu.

We fell sick on the next day. Dua dua demam terkejut ke apa tak tahulah hehe

1 comment:

Unknown said...

semoga dipermudahkan urusan ya.

esp. with S