22 February 2016

1. Gonna turn 24 this year. Hello to the older version of me.

2. Been thinking about marriage and stuff before this, but err suddenly, I feel like I'm too young for this? Hehe kejap rasa tua, kejap muda! 

3. Currently in my final year, second semester. InsyaAllah, sikit lagi.

4. Planning to continue my study by doing Master in.. Child, Educational, Clinical (?) or Counselling Psychology which is not yet decided. Kalau boleh nak sambung dekat luar negara. UK please or US. But the fees... RM 33 000 per year! Are you kidding me?!

5. Tapi nak kahwin juga?

6. Tapi takut nak kahwin?

7. Tapi...

8. Too much tapi 

9. I'm not ready.

10. Let's not think about the future yet.

Belum habis belajar diharamkan cakap pasal kahwin, nanti kena "batch" lah! 


Azreenchan said...

I once wanted to get married at 24. But the person I chose at that time wasn't 'ready', finally I got married at 28 - surprise, surprise, with someone totally different.

1. Why I believe in early marriage life ? : I thought that if I have a stable relationship, better cepatkan. And we can do a whole lot things together with my life-partner. Best supporter.
2. Duit boleh cari, as long as you get married with an understanding & hardworking person.
3. I was ready.

But then, I got married at 28.
I didn't regret this. But I achieved a lot of things on my own.
I learned how to be independent. I learned that it's okay to be alone.
I believe in myself and my strength - which is good :)

So you can try to ask yourself, are you and your partner ready?
If both of you are, and the time is right, don't be afraid to make it happen.

Random reader.

Madam N said...

Wah.dah nak kawen msti dah ada calon