31 October 2017

Bila-bila Tuhan turunkan dugaan, aku cuma ingatkan diri berkali-kali yang dugaan datang sebab nak buat kita tambah kuat. As expected, there's no happily ever after life, takda kehidupan yang seindah syurga.

Seminggu lepas, accidentally, I was diagnosed with two lumps on my uterus wall. Tak sengaja sebab jumpa doktor untuk hal lain, tapi tak sengaja terjumpa benda lain. Benda pertama yang datang dalam kepala 'they will have to remove my uterus' and 'I'm dying'. After the endless clinic-gynea-specialist visit, they managed to confirmed that the lumps're fibriods. As long as they were not cancerous, I'm super relieved!

For this coming month, I'll have to take up a specific medicine, to reduce the size of it. And then, we will see, how it goes. Kalau okay, I can skip the surgery (I hope so!). If not, we will have no choice...

Takpa, Tuhan ada.

Till then,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

harap fibroids tu dapat disingkirkan. amin