13 August 2018

It's August; FML.

1. Another two more days, mommy and daddy will be going for Hajj. I'll be home alone for 43 days.

2. I'm super stressful now, thinking bout my career future.

3. I'm still jobless and it has been nearly two months.

4. I'm restricting myself from joining into the education field again.

5. Me and S has entered the so called darah manis phase kot. I'm very much impatience now compared to how I was before. How to kumpul duit when I don't even have any source of money?!

6. I think I'm the crazy bitch here

7. I feel the urge of running away from everyone but FML! I don't have enough money to lari.

8. I need to write my feelings down or else I'll become worst

9. Should start 43 days Journal without mommy and daddy

10. Yes, if I ingat..


Anonymous said...

all the best.

Tuan Tanah said...

all the best and take care!