18 July 2016

A Note to a Friend.

I know by any chance you'll come and pay a visit here in my blog site. I would like to say sorry for being such a loser. Sorry for being too depressive. I'm sorry all this while I was being out of control with my sadness.

I've tried my best to be okay, to live my life as I should and always would, to let go of all the sadness. God knows how difficult it was to stay strong, to be me again, to smile and not to worry you.

There are times, I feel like clinging to everyone and ask for help. It's too painful, I'm embittered.

You've done so much. Don't feel bad. No one can help me, it's me. I need to help myself first. But still, I need your support.

Thank you for our long lasting friendship.

Terima kasih sebab selalu cuba ada.

I love you, Mike.

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